Saturday, August 20, 2011

London At Last

Bob and I have been anticipating and preparing for our semester in London for so long and now, WE'RE HERE.  We have settled into our flat in the Pepperdine House and ventured out to see our surroundings. Let me show you, through pictures, what we have seen.

Lawn Bowling in Hyde Park with the London Eye in the backgroound.

Elegant couples enjoying a picnic in the park.

Children splashing in the Princess Diana Fountain in Hyde  Park.

The Princess Diana Fountain is a circular babbling brook on the edge of the Hyde Park Lake.

A bride and groom boating with friends.

Beautiful building with surprising touches.

Kensington Palace  We are waiting for our new neighbors, William & Kate, to move in.

Bikes you can rent and return to stations all over London.  

You expect to see pigeons in a park.

It is unexpected to see a fox running free in the middle of Hyde Park.

Beautiful flower beds in the Rose Garden in Hyde Park.


Someday soon we hope to rent a paddle boat and enjoy a lovely cup of tea at that pavilion.

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