Monday, August 22, 2011


A unique, new, and wonderful aspect of London is what are officially called Barclay Bikes (after the bank that underwrote the project), but are commonly called Boris Bikes (after the wild-haired London mayor who initiated the project a year or two ago).  All over the city, there are bike racks that contain very practical, traditional-style bikes--very similar to what we call beach-cruisers in California.  For one pound (apx. $1.60), you can have access to bikes for 24 hours.  There is no additional fee, so long as you deposit your bike in a rack (anywhere in the city) within half an hour of picking it up.  You can have as many half-hour turns as you want in your 24 hours.  It is a fantastic way to commute or to just go for a ride (or a series of rides) around Hyde Park or other interesting sections of London. 
 We may actually stay in shape!

A rack of bikes waiting to be "borrowed".

Bob, correctly biking on the left hand side of the bike path.

There is even a spot to put your bag.  Those clever Brits!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! And fun. Google has bikes like that for their employees... but they don't have to pay. They're buildings are like a city so they can just grab a bike outside one building and ride it to another building or to lunch or whatever.
