Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hiking Fall Paths In & Out Of London

The temperatures are starting to drop a bit.  The air is cool, moist and crisp.  It's my favorite time of the year!  Fall has arrived in London and I'm loving it!

One delightful aspect of our visit to London this time, that we didn't get to experience the last time we were here with small children, is hiking in and around London.  London is dotted with parks, large and small and well documented trails and hikes for all.  On Friday, our friends Janet and Steve joined Bob and me on a lovely hike in the country.  We took the Tube to the very last stop on the Metropolitan line to the small town of Chesham.  From there we walked through part of the town of Chesham and out, into and through some of the farms beyond the town.

The hike guided us along trails, and roads and frequently through farms.  There were well placed steps to lead us up and over fences, gates, and turn stiles of all designs.  Simple, polite signs reminded us to, "Please close the gates behind you." (Would you find that in The States?)

Denise & Bob

Denise & Janet

Our meandering took us past an ostrich farm. 

Approaching one of the many "kissing gates."

Yesterday, our friend John was in town so we took him on a stroll to Camden Lock, along the canal, and through Regent's Park. 

Some of the many colorful canal boats moored or traveling along the canal.

The fountain in Regent's Park

A gate into Regent's park with fall colors behind it.

It's not only boats that travel on the canal.

Regent's Park

I'm hoping to travel on these paths again before I return to The States.

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